Affiliate Hubs
What are Affiliate Hubs?
Affiliate Churches are an independent church/ministry desiring to enter covenant with the HUB Apostolic Network but is seeking apostolic covering only. An affiliate keeps its own unique name and identity on its website, social media platforms and all promotional materials. Affiliates rely on their resources and will also maintain their own bylaws and constitution.
Qualifications to become an Affiliate Hub:
- Must be a member of Hub Apostolic Network at the individual level for 6-12 months before applying as an Affiliate.
- Must be willing to pay a monthly fee of $97 or one fee of $997. The fee shall be designated to cover administrative costs.
- Must maintain a monthly giving relationship. No amount is specified. Give as led and in proportion with budget. These free will offerings shall be used to further expand the mission and reach of Hub Apostolic Network as a whole.
- Must make commitment and covenant to align with the HUB Apostolic Network for a minimum of 2 years.
Signature HUBs
What are Signature HUBs
Signature Hubs are existing churches/ministries that are willing to completely adopt and embrace the model of established HUBs. These established assemblies agree to make a total DNA shift, including a name change to fully embrace the HUBs Apostolic Networkā€™s branding. Signature HUBs are expected to use ONLY the HUB branding on their websites, social media platforms and on all promotional materials. Senior leader must go through an extensive review process.
*Onsite visit will be required.
Qualifications/Agreements to become a Signature Hub
- Must be an Affiliate Hub for one year prior to applying as a Signature Hub.
- Must participate in support of designated missions and evangelism as needs arise.
- Must support the vision and leadership of HUB Apostolic Network.
- Must attend at least one national HUB Apostolic Network event annually.
- Must support and attend regional HUB Apostolic Network events in your area.
- Ā Must maintain integrity with financial commitment to the HUB Apostolic Network.
- Must make a minimum time commitment and covenant to remain in alignment with the HUB Apostolic Network:
- Signature, permanent alignment (Leaders may resign, but HUB will remain intact).
- Signature, permanent alignment (Leaders may resign, but HUB will remain intact).
Current Signature HUBs
Atlanta Hub
12150 Morris Rd
Alpharetta, GA
Bristol Hub
21357 Old Dominion Rd
Bristol, VA
4459 W Church Street
Farmville, NC
12780 Darby Brooke Ct
Woodbridge, VA
Canada Hub
380 Albion Rd
Toronto, ON